Saturday, May 8, 2010

Fast Food & Obesity

It like fast food is more or less circadian focus in the news. Whether it is because of their ingredients (such as fat), the deleterious shape personal property (like diabetes), or essence linked to stoutness, fast food dominates the headlines. This then begs the question, "Does fast food source heaviness?" The regular reply is no. Consuming more calories from food than the body can burn is what weight gain. While green factors, such as frequently eating fast food, may expansion the risk of corpulence, they are not a cause of plumpness (see Causes of Obesity or Causes of Childhood Obesity). In other libretto, they are risk factors.

Causes of Obesity:
  1. Fast food obesity is remarkable in many countries because of the easy readiness of fast food in the grocery shops, gas stations and even on the roadsides. So it is amenable to escape from these delicious advertisements and showcases.People with high or employed hard to attain a comfortable life, many a ignore their diet and health.
  2. Environment also has a grand effect on the fast food fatness. Majority of family have expected passive fast food feasting in their life lavishness.
  3. With the swelling approachability of the fast food and the high competition among the various fast food joints, fast food largeness has become a key problem for many to deal with.
  4. Although there are genetic motives for fast food overweightnessgeneral public are predominantly artificial because lack of self-restriction.
  5. Besides the above your head ins and outslifestyle also plays an significant role in making persons obese.
Obesity may lead to well-being complications like , ruthless cardiac problems and various other strength difficulties. Scientists and doctors have undoubtedly exhibited that regular eating of food and reduced sickly corporeal activity conclusion in chunkiness. Along with the developing cowboy movie countries, many eastern are also with this problem. Neglecting usual and healthy diet, countries like China, Japan etc. are also unnatural by the fast food thinness.

7 Major Fast Foods Contributing to Obesity:
Here is a list of fast foods which are highly appealing but for the most part further to the plumpness:

1. Doughnuts: Basically are , packed full with sugar and lot of fats. An average doughnut around 400 calories and other nutrients beside fat. According to many nutritionists, lot of gracious sugars add to kin sugar fluctuations.
2. Cheeseburger with French fries: The combination may hard delicious but it is packed with a lot of brimming fats. Saturated fats are start to cause to , core attacks and few types of . Cheeseburger contains about 20 calories and around 240 calories are existent in French . Beside overfull fats and calories, are rich supply of dietary fat, and Trans fat.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Obesity: Main Causes

Obesity is a serious health term thatcan root all sorts of fitness teething troubles for everyone that suffers from it. Below, are the given reasons behind increasing obesity, look at which can make one reduce their overweight.

Excess intake of food than the quantity it burns leads to obesity. Earlier over-eating or less exercising were the main facts behind over weight body, while these days Doctors do understand that obesity is a consequence of many factors around inclusive of social and environmental scenario around.Genetic reasons are also one of the important reasons behind.

Medical Causes of Obesity

Usually obesity is the upshot of overeating, but in an undersized cut of surplus weight gain is a indicator of a new syndrome.

Medical causes of obesity can include:Hypothyroidism:  
  1. Thyroid hormone regulates our metabolism. So lack of hormone slows the metabolic rate and often causes weight gain.
  2. Cushing's pattern: This restriction when the adrenal glands (located on top of each organ meatsyield a superfluous amount of a steroid hormone called cortisol. This leads to a build-up of fat in characteristic sites such as the face, better back, and abdomen.
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What are some causes of obesity

There are many causes of obesity and they apply to both men and manhood.

  1. Lack of exercise - Active body keeps burning extra calories and helps redusing eight.
  2. Unhealthy diets - Improper meal can lead to unhealthy body physic and can lead to various health problem.
  3. Physiological issues – A mistaken view of self be a effect of our rearing or traumatic . For model, if nobody was badly treated as a child, a person may chose to be heavier. The harmed person may gain weight to make unsightly to get out of future misapplication.
  4. An uneducated deeds –  Another well-read conduct is eating entirety on our as children. Now, once we are full, we still revive to eat.
  5. Boredom – Sometimes, we eat because present is nobody else to do. Emotionalism, recession, and angst play a part in obesity. Just as some kinfolk may feel the need to drink or smoke to calm concern, some public use food to feel superior.
  6. Metabolism – Slow metabolism can leads to over weight body. As we age, our absorption slows down, and if we do not change our eating habits, obesity may be the grade.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Facts Related to Obesity

Obesity is spreading like an infection affecting a major part of adults of age around 20 .And US ranks highest with maximum number of obese mankind in the world.

There are number of dangerous results:

Type 2 diabetes, heart ailment, stroke, gallbladder malady, cataracts, age-related macular disintegration (AMD) and menace of the breast, prostate, and colon are some of the illness which can be caused due to obesity
Obesity definitely increases your risk of decease. And that’s not all. The lesser known things of plumpness may also take an account of asthma, pregnancy complications etc.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Obesity Treatment

Obesity -

Obesity refers to an expansion in utter body fat. The easiest and most commonly accepted scheme of shaping whether you are plump is by measuring your Body Mass Index, or BMI.

Why Should I Care About Obesity?

Obesity has become an epidemic in the U.S. and other settledAntonym countries. As many as one-third of all Americans are overweight based on the BMI criteria. In addition to body look issues, fatnessAntonym causes important health issues. It is the second leading cause of avertible decease (after smoking), and is related with type 2 diabetes, hyperlipidemia, coronary artery ailment, ache, gallstones, and certain types of canker.

Treatment of Obesity
Successful programs for weightinessSynonyms loss reduction and maintenance ought to be started and followed under the care of a GP and/or a nutritionist. A load-loss rubric may include:

* Exercise (the Surgeon General has called for 30 follow-up of physical interest on most days of the week)

* A low-fat, high-complex carbohydrate, high fiber diet

* Behavior modification to change eating performance

* Social validation

* Medications

Although quite a few diets (such as Atkins or South Beach) have become extremelySynonyms popular as actual ways of bringing up the rear weight, none of them has been recognized to be vastly aboveAntonym in rigorously conducted, large-magnitude clinical trials. The key (and only) facultiesAntonym for the success of any dietetic plan is that it make you use up rarer calories than what you are expending.

Home Remedies fopr plumpness rule -
Mixture of major extent of inherentAntonym honey and at its best ginger paste when taken with geographical guggul is very in operation in adjusting chunkiness.
This is the useful home remedies for corpulence.

Eat papaya or vegetable soup as your dinner for two or three months if you want a momentary mass loss. This is successful in controlling obesity.

Take luxuriant tea or ginger tea as ginger is very good in tingly unnecessary fat in your body.

Madua or madhuli is good for monitoring heaviness.

This is one of the usefull home remedies for regulatory Obesity. 

Obesity In Children

The problem of childhood obesity has grown considerably in recent years. Between 16 and 33 percent of children and adolescents are obese.  Obesity is among the easiest medical conditions to recognize but most difficult to treat.

What is obesity?
A few extra pounds do not suggest obesity it may be indicated by a tendency to gain weight easily and a need for changes in diet and/or exercise.  Generally, a child is not considered obese until the weight is at least 10 percent higher than what is recommended for the height and body type.  Obesity most commonly begins in childhood between the ages of 5 and 6, and during adolescence. 

Causes of childhood obesity ?

An unhealthy diet combined with a lack of exercise are the main causes of childhood obesity. High-calorie foods such as chocolates, sweets and fast food are cheap and readily available to children. Alongside this, physical activity and exercise are no longer a part of most children's days - some children never walk or cycle to school or play sport. Instead, many of them spend hours in front of a television or computer.

What is a healthy weight for a child?

You may find it difficult to tell whether your child has temporary "puppy fat" or is genuinely overweight. Your GP will check height and weight charts (centile charts) when assessing your child to see if he/she is overweight for his/her age.

Prevention of childhood obesity -

If your child is overweight, you shouldn't encourage a strict diet to lose excess weight. Instead you should help your child to maintain his/her weight so he/she can "grow into it" as he/she gets taller.

Your child should never be put on a weight-loss diet without medical advice as this can affect his/her growth. You should talk to your GP or a dietitian if you're very concerned about your child's weight.

Childhood Obesity

Obesity is a serious health concern for children in there growing age and for adolescents. A Survey has measured heights and weights, which indicate that an estimated 17 percent of children and adolescents ages 2-19 years are obese. The prevalence of obesity increases day by day. There was no significant trend in obesity prevalence in last few years.

Obesity is caused due to caloric imbalance (too few calories expended for the amount of calories consumed) and is mediated by genetic, behavioral, and environmental factors.3,4 Childhood obesity has both immediate and long-term health impacts:

* Obese youth are more likely to have risk factors for cardiovascular disease, such as high cholesterol or high blood pressure. In a population-based sample of 5- to 17-year-olds, 70% of obese youth had at least one risk factor for cardiovascular disease.5
    * Children and adolescents who are obese are at greater risk for bone and joint problems, sleep apnea, and social and psychological problems such as stigmatization and poor self-esteem.3,6
    * Obese youth are more likely than youth of normal weight to become overweight or obese adults, and therefore more at risk for associated adult health problems, including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, several types of cancer, and osteoarthritis.

Obese children and adolescents are at risk for health problems during their youth and as adults. For example, during their youth, obese children and adolescents are more likely to have risk factors associated with cardiovascular disease (such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and Type 2 diabetes) than are other children and adolescents.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Obesity and Overweight ( fact )

Obesity is simply defined as too much body fat for our height and sex. Human Body is simpley made up of water, fat, protein, carbohydrate and various vitamins and minerals. A person is considered obese if they have a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or greater. Overtime, eating excess calories leads to weight gain. Without lifestyle changes to increase the amount of physical activity done on a daily basis, or reduce the amount of calories consumed, people can become obese.

If you have too much fat — especially in your waist area — you're at higher risk for health problems, including high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, diabetes, heart disease and stroke.

Some reasons for this higher risk are known, but others are not. For example, obesity
    * raises blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
    * lowers HDL "good" cholesterol. HDL cholesterol is linked with lower heart  disease and stroke     risk, so reducing it tends to raise the risk.
    * raises blood pressure levels.
    * can induce diabetes. In some people, diabetes makes these other risk factors much worse. The danger of heart attack is especially high for these people.

Today way of life is less physically active than it used to be. People travel on buses and cars, rather than walking, and many people work in offices, where they are sitting still for most of the day. This means that the calories they eat are not getting burnt off as energy. Instead, the extra calories are stored as fat.
A range of causes
A range of factors can cause obesity. Factors in childhood and adolescence are particularly influential, since a high proportion of obese children and adolescents grow up to be obese adults.

Factors known to increase the risk of obesity include:
  • Genes – researchers have found that genetics play a part in regulating body weight. However these genes explain only a small part of the variation in body weight.
  • Birth factors – some studies suggest that a person is more likely to become obese later in life if they experienced poor nutrition in utero, had a low birth weight and weren’t breast fed. However, other studies show that high birth weight is a stronger risk for becoming overweight.
  • Eating more kilojoules than you use – whatever your genetic background, you will deposit fat on your body if you eat more energy (kilojoules) than you use.
  • Inactivity – for most of us, physical activity is no longer a natural part of our daily schedule. Obese people tend to live sedentary lifestyles.
  • Modern living – most modern conveniences, such as cars, computers and home appliances, reduce the need to be physically active.
  • Socioeconomic factors – people with lower levels of education and lower incomes are more likely to be overweight or obese. This may be because they have less opportunity to eat healthy foods and take part in physical activities. 
Some Common Symptoms of Obesity are:
If you're obese, it's more serious than being a few kilograms or pounds overweight.
You're carrying a lot of fat on your body.[2]

    * Most of the extra fat will lie either around your waist and chest (making you  'apple shaped') or on your hips and buttocks (making you 'pear shaped').
    * Men who are obese tend to have big waists.
    * Women tend to carry extra weight on their hips.
    * Some women become apple shaped, especially after the menopause